San Juan Bautista, CA 95045

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Discover San Juan Bautista, CA 95045

Welcome to the San Juan Bautista, CA 95045 community where you’ll gain access to County.

Meetup with San Juan Bautista Locals

Connecting community members together is at the core of California Locals. Knowing who’s who in San Benito County is crucial to enjoying all that living in this beautiful, diverse lifestyle can bring. Find locals through our member directory or connect through one of our events. Make sure to also visit the major social networks and connect with our facebook groupspinterest page and instragram feed to meet new members.

Top Rated San Juan Bautista Businesses

The California Locals staff finds, rates & reviews local professionals dedicated to providing the highest level of Professional Service! Discover top-rated businesses in San Juan Bautista, CA 95045 and claim special deals from business owners. Browse our business directory to see photos, discounts, and tips about businesses in the area or add your review if you’ve been a customer.

If you’re a business owner, you can list your business for free in our directory. If you’re looking for further promotion of your business, check out our San Benito County advertising programs which include direct mail and hyper-local ads to repeat customers in your market.

California Community Groups

Join community groups right here on California Locals to get updates on what’s happing in the neighborhood. You can subscribe to the activity feed in each group to get updates when new posts are made, check out the group event calendar, or start a discussion by creating a topic through a community forum. If you don’t see a group for your neighborhood or if you want to take control of your community as a moderator, please contact us.

Tips and Stories from San Juan Bautista Locals

As a social network for San Benito County, members can share their stories in various ways! Publish an article to the news feed or share quick updates in the community activity feed. With millions of visitors each week to our online websites and social networks, we’d love to help you get the word out about your story. If you’re a journalist or blogger and are looking to earn income from your articles, we have you covered. Join the network and ad your Google AdSense code to your profile and start earning revenue from your blog clicks and impressions.

San Juan Bautista Job Listings

Searching for a job in San Juan Bautista is easy with our California career center. If you’re looking for a new career or company to work with, upload your resume to our network and let employers see that you’re open to job offers. Job seekers can also search thousands of positions available on the California Locals network in our job listings dashboard. Quickly browse locations and job categories to find openings. When you see something that matches your career goals, apply online to schedule an interview.

If you’re a business owner looking to hire new talent, you can upload your job listings for free and promote your post to local community members.

San Juan Bautista Relocation Network

California Locals is dedicated to enhancing the living environments and lifestyles for those relocating to San Benito County by providing relocation services that promote communication and collaboration between local community members. California Locals promotes diverse lifestyles and assists in connecting residents and visitors to the community.

Local Knowledge from San Juan Bautista Locals

Our network has helped thousands of residents and visitors connect through social networks, events, featured people and discounts at San Juan Bautista businesses. If you’re new to the area, we encourage you to reach out to our community ambassadors who can help you find and connect to the neighborhood! Community ambassadors apply to join our network and agree to be a connector for their community. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, we invite you to apply to our community ambassador program.

San Juan Bautista, CA 95045 Real Estate Listings

Whether you’re searching homes for rent in San Benito County or you’re ready to buy a property, our MLS-powered real estate search allows you to find and compare San Benito County homes, condos, and land for sale. Once you register for a free account, you’ll be able to save your home searches, reject or hide homes from your home search and get instant updates via email or text when new homes in San Benito County hit the market. When you find a property you’re interested in, you can schedule a tour online and one of our partner agents will schedule a private tour for you.

San Juan Bautista Real Estate Agents

Everyone knows a real estate agent, but the hard part is finding a true local expert! Before connecting with a real estate expert to help you find or sell a home, you may want a personal referral to San Juan Bautista real estate agents that are the best fit for you. Local, REALTORS offers a free realtor referral service that connects buyers and sellers with top agents in San Juan Bautista. All referral agents have been qualified and are ranked in the top 10% of real estate agents in San Juan Bautista with a proven track record and 5-star client reviews. If you’re ready to chat with a REALTOR, we encourage you to check out or contact our relocation department for a personal referral.

Open Houses in San Juan Bautista, CA 95045

Are you looking to see a few homes in San Benito County this weekend? If you’re in the market for a new home or just love staying current with what’s on the market, check out our list of open houses happening this weekend. Buying real estate doesn’t have to feel uncomfortable. Open houses are great for those taking their time or who want to do the leg work browsing listings in order to find the right home for them.

Make an Offer to Buy a Home Online

If you’re one of those lovely people that like to do it yourself, check out OfferDash, a virtual real estate platform that helps to automate the home buying and selling process while saving thousands for buyers and sellers. This awesome company allows buyers the ability to enter an address and automatically draft a legal and broker-approved offer on any property listing. In return, the majority of real estate commissions are credited back to the buyer for closing costs or can be redirected back to the seller in order to lower your offer price.

San Juan Bautista, CA 95045 Home Values

Determining your home’s value is a 3 step process. A great way to begin is by checking your property value using our automated home valuation software. This free tool can help you determine what your home might sell for and even calculates the estimated rental income it could generate by leasing out your property. If you’re considering selling your home, the next step would be to have a San Juan Bautista real estate agent determine your property value by analyzing recent sales via MLS and public record data. To begin the process of determining your Homes value, start a free instant home valuation.

Selling San Juan Bautista Real Estate

If you’re ready to sell your home, make sure to request a proposal from our preferred network of realtors in San Benito County. Not only do our experts provide competitive pricing, but they are also known for some of the best real estate marketing creations which have netted sellers thousands more than other agents.

Instant Cash Offers on Real Estate

With the large increase in the competition of “ibuyers”, home sellers have seen their property values increase due to the competition. An instant Cash Offer could be the easiest and best way for you to sell your home. Get an offer within 24 hours on your home from real estate Investors. Learn More.

San Juan Bautista Foreclosure Market

Although the foreclosure market is slow when the US market is in good shape, there are often times every decade where the number of Foreclosures has hit record heights. If you’re looking for a bargain on a home, get on our foreclosure listing search to be notified when homes are going to auction and those that will likely come to market as a bank owned foreclosure. If you’re an investor with deep pockets, you may also be interested in buying bulk portfolios of properties at a discount.

Those that are not familiar with bank-owned properties might not know the difference between an auction vs. a bank-owned sale when it comes to financing. If you’ve seen a listing that is going up for public auction, you will need to pay cash at the county courthouse and a loan will not be allowed (unless it’s a hard money loan that can instantly fund). If you’re looking to buy your investment using traditional lending, bank-owned properties or short sale would be your best bet.

San Juan Bautista Short Sales

If you’re a property owner that is having a hard time paying your home mortgage each month, a short sale may in the best option for you. The best part about a short sale is that once completed, you can likely purchase another home within less than a year if done properly! If you have a financial hardship, you may still qualify for a short sale even if you earn income. As long as you continue to make payments each month, your credit may also not be dinged.

Through a short sale, the bank agrees to write off the balance and typically marks your loan as paid in full. In many cases, homeowners completing a short sale can also earn a relocation allowance between $3,000-$10,000 in order to help with moving as long as the property is kept in good order. To learn more about short sales, contact a certified distressed property expert.

California Relocation Services

Are you planning on relocating to San Juan Bautista? Let the California Locals relocation team assist you with your next move. Not only will our staff help you find the right accommodation to rent or purchase, but we can also help you get acquainted with the local area by connecting you with business owners and the community.

Real Estate in the 95045 Zip Code

  • Located in San Juan Bautista
  • Built in 1989
  • MLS #: ML81982630
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 2 Baths
  • 2,177 SqFt

  • Located in San Juan Bautista
  • Built in 2000
  • MLS #: ML81974938
  • 5 Bedrooms
  • 5 Baths
  • 3,714 SqFt

  • Located in San Juan Bautista
  • Built in 2001
  • MLS #: ML81989010
  • 4 Bedrooms
  • 3 Baths
  • 3,000 SqFt

  • Located in San Juan Bautista
  • Built in 1984
  • MLS #: ML81987825
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 3 Baths
  • 1,601 SqFt

  • Located in San Juan Bautista
  • Built in 1906
  • MLS #: ML81983683
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bath
  • 1,360 SqFt

  • Located in San Juan Bautista
  • Built in 1976
  • MLS #: ML81940544
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bath
  • 864 SqFt

This information is believed to be accurate, but without any warranty.

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